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“Get a Job! (sha-na-na-na, sha-na-na-na-na)”

Congrats to +James Hill on his first official paycheck-and-SSI-withholding job, at one of the local King Soopers (Kroger) stores, working graveyard.

They even armed him with a box cutter. Now that's scary …

(Musical Accompaniment:


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People Unclear on the Concept

Apparently lavish Roaring 20s-style weddings inspired by The Great Gatsby are a thing. Even if they are kinda-sorta completely missing the point of Fitzgerald's novel.

Gatsby-Themed Wedding Ideas That Say, ‘I Didn’t Read The Book’
Women’s News. Feminized.

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We Binge-Watched Season 6 of “Voltron: Legendary Defender”

Which is not the sort of thing we usually do in this household, but was relatively easy to do in an evening, because it's only seven whole episodes.

But it's seven whole great episodes. And while there are some story threads I could imagine expanding into more time than given, it rally didn't feel like they compromised on the overall story they were trying to tell. Indeed, they had enough time to include a truly delightful done-in-one ep that deserves to be a trope in many other shows. Or maybe its own series.

I won't spoil anything, but there's some fine cuing up for Season 7, which apparently is a thing, thank heavens. [1]

Good times.




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That's my boy!

+James Hill at the Denver PrideFest parade, with other students from his high school.

Glad we could be there to cheer him on.


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The Archaeology of Books by My Bed

Too, too true.

Originally shared by +Writers Write:

Unread books

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TV Cartoons of Saturdays Past

For those who wonder why I am how I am today, I blame Saturday Morning Cartoons. This crop is from when I was in kindergarten or so, and (aside from Casper) I was an avid viewer of most of these at one time or another.

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The Flute Recital

A few years back, the kid started going to a private flute instructor, to bolster his flute-playing beyond the work he was doing at school. The one that he was referred to by another student was Tamara Maddaford, who, if you are looking for flute instruction for your kid in the south Denver metro area or even further south (she’s located in Castle Rock), I highly recommend. She’s done a great job with expanding +James Hill‘s repertoire and skills.

Twice a year they have a flute recital — one for the holidays and one in the spring/summer (end of the school year). Here’s James’ performance for that, last evening, a solo piece called “Kokopeli” by Katherine Hoover.

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The Graduate

Arapahoe High School, Class of 2018. Congrats to +James Hill from the proud (and embarrassing) parents!

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On That Box (or two) of Cables in the Basement

If I’m significantly older than 35 am I allowed to have more than one box?

Originally shared by +Mitch Wagner:

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Furrowed Browse


Originally shared by +Steven Vaughan-Nichols:

Some days.

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Been there, conversed that

To be fair, I’ve been on both sides of that conversation.

Originally shared by +Writers Write:

Reading & Writing Moments

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“Is This The Little Boy At Play ….?”

I’m buying high school graduation announcements for my son? What sort of mad time warp is this?

Words of Wisdom!

I’ve read worse!

Originally shared by +Les Jenkins:

Everything I need to know about life I learned… – Sam & Fuzzy & Tumblr
Everything I need to know about life I learned from my dog

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The Last Late-Night School Craft Project

So senior parents are expected to make a photo collage (using a clap-board template) for their students to be put up in the halls during prom/afterprom next weekend. It could be about high school, friends, or various lifetime pix.

Given +James Hill‘s photogenic nature, it was an enjoyable project to put together. I came up with a set of way-too-many pix, he culled the list down to only somewhat-too-many, then I put everything together.

And, per his instruction, noting “James” as his name.

Fun times. Nostalgic times. And a memento.

Three notes:

  1. With one possible exception (upper right corner), James noted that none of the marching band pix were from this year. I think there were some in the earlier picture sets, but they didn’t make the final cut for one reason or another. (There is a pic of James playing the bass flute at last weekend’s spring concert, though.)
  2. Even more extraordinary, we ended up with a set of pictures without any of James with his tongue stuck out at the photographer.
  3. Special note to the pix bottom left and right corners, which were shot by our friend +Kate Testerman, who does excellent Senior Photos (or any other photography) for anyone in the Denver area who is looking for such professional services.

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Presenting my son, James

I mention +James Hill coming out as my transmale son, primarily because over the past seventeen-going-on-eighteen years I’ve presented him as my daughter, Katherine. Given that I’ve talked about her (him) a lot over the past years in social media, if I just changed pronouns and names there are some folk out there who would scratch their heads and ask questions. And since it’s something I’m not out to hide, I thought I’d just be up-front about the matter.

While this has been James’ identity to himself and his parents and close friends for the past few years — a very considered, researched, and thoughtful recognition and understanding of who he is — it’s been a more deliberate process outside those circles. In the past months and weeks he’s come out to his grandparents and close family friends, he was open to the college he applied to, and he’s talked with his uncles/aunts and cousins, which covered all the people he felt he wanted to personally let know about it.

(For the record, the reactions from family have all been supportive, and I’ve been stunned by how cool his peers at school have been.)

At this point, he’s given permission for people to talk about it. So, here we are.

Pragmatically, its good timing; as he’s heading off to college in the fall, it’s an ideal time to establish his new identity in his new circles. Sort of like everyone does when they head off to college.

Anyway, hopefully this will forestall any confusion about future references I make to him. He’s our son. We love him.

In the words of that great fabulist philosopher, Stan Lee: ‘Nuff Said.


In Album 4/27/18

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Twenty-Three Wonderful Years

My most wonderful wife, +Margie Kleerup. Happy Anniversary, my love.

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When you’re a cat, every day is Caturday

Neko hanging out in the dining room, being ridiculous.

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Time for the Spring Haircut

It’s still a scosh early to lose the big fur coat, but scheduling the cat groomer for Kunoichi isn’t always easy.

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The Onomatopoeia of Dog and Cat Sounds

A fun little video of people from 70 countries telling us what noise dogs and cats make.

Though, honestly, sometimes folk are doing “Here’s how my language expresses dog/cat noises” and other are “here’s my best dog/cat imitation.”

Still, fun.

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Doing the Dishes

Apparently, in a society that still leans heavily into women taking care of all the household stuff, whether or not they are working a paying job, who does the dishes is a major predictor for marital stress or harmony.

So, I guess, then, that one explanation for my very happy marriage (23 years come this weekend) is that I do the dishes most of the time.

The two important things there being:

a. I do the dishes (because +Margie Kleerup cooks 95% of the meals, so that’s my contribution, and I think I get the much better end of that deal).

b. most of the time (because even though we have patterns of who does what around the house, both of us are willing to pitch in to assist or do the work if circumstances require).

If it avoids relationship tension, I’m happy to do the dishes. Even if I don’t do them as frequently as I ought.

Doing Dishes Is a Major Source of Relationship Tension – The Atlantic
This is now an empirically proven fact. Dishwashing causes more relationship distress than any other household task.

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